ER2003 Conference Logo
22nd International Conference on Conceptual ModelingChicago, Illinois

ER2003 Program

Slides are hyperlinked below for those authors who have supplied us with electronic copies. If you are an author and your slides are not posted, please e-mail them to

Conference at a Glance

Pre-Conference Tutorials

PT1: Object-Process Methodology and Its Application to the Visual Semantic Web

Presented by
Dov Dori (Technion, Israel and MIT)

A comprehensive system modeling methodology with coherent ontology is essential for system architecting and engineering. Object-Process Methodology is a unifying approach for developing, communicating, supporting and evolving systems of various domains, types, magnitudes and complexities. OPM is founded on well-defined ontology with solid infrastructure; it has clear, formal, single-model semantics expressed bi-modally via graphics and natural language. It enables fast and reliable system modeling; and it caters to domain experts who are not IT professionals and therefore enables them to actively engage in the development process as part of the team. Taught at leading institutions of higher education and used in Industry, OPM has evolved as a significant extension of Object technology which caters equally well to systems' structure (through objects and relations) and behavior (through processes that transform objects). OPM encompasses the entire lifecycle of a software system or product, from concept and initiation through development to deployment.

The Visual Semantic Web (VSW) is a new paradigm for enhancing the current Semantic Web technology. VSW, which is based on OPM, provides for representation of knowledge over the Web in a unified way that caters to human perceptions while also being machine-processable. The advantages of the VSW approach include graphic-text knowledge representation, visual navigability, semantic sentence interpretation, specification of system dynamics, and complexity management.

This tutorial will present the underlying OPM ontology and its application for the Visual Semantic Web. It is based in part on material I have been teaching at MIT's Engineering Systems Division as well as the Summer Professional Institute.

PT2: Data Modeling using XML

Presented by
Murali Mani (UCLA, USA)
Antonio Badia (University of Louisville, USA)

XML is being used in different application scenarios:
  • XML has established itself as the standard for information exchange over the Web, and applications over the Web use XML for representing their information
  • XML is used for publishing data of traditional database applications as well as text applications over the web
  • XML is being tried as a logical data model: here, people come up with a conceptual model for database applications, and translate this conceptual model into logical XML model; the XML model might be stored in native XML databases or relational databases,
  • XML promises to be a good candidate for federated databases to provide a uniform view of multiple data sources.
Our tutorial will cover two application scenarios of XML: using XML as a logical model, and publishing relational data as XML. First, we will study how we can use XML as a logical model. We will describe the various options for structural specification for XML such as DTD, XML-Schema, RELAX NG, and also different options for constraint specification for XML such as XML-Schema and other research proposals. We will further describe the stages in the database design process -- coming up with a conceptual schema from real world applications, translating this conceptual schema into a logical schema, and translating this logical schema into physical schema. A conceptual schema is specified in a conceptual data model, such as ER, ORM, or UML. We will compare and contrast the important features of these conceptual models. We will then propose some extensions to ER model, and use this as our conceptual model. We will describe how a conceptual schema can be translated into logical XML schema and give examples. We will further describe what structural and constraint specification features are needed for using XML as a logical model. In the second half of the tutorial, we will describe translation between XML and relational models. We will cover different options for translating XML to relational and study existing systems in this regard.

Keynote Speakers

K1: Semantic Web Application Modeling

Erich Neuhold
Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Publication and Information Systems (IPSI)
The Semantic Web and the Web service paradigm are currently the most important trends on the way to the next generation of the Web. They promise new opportunities for content and service provision, enabling manifold and flexible new applications and improved support for individual and cooperative tasks. The development of Web applications that can be operated effectively in the Semantic Web context, however, imposes some challenges. Two main challenges towards extended (conceptual) modeling support are addressed in this talk.
  • In the Semantic Web, Web applications move from a purely human user community towards a mixed user community consisting of humans as well as of software agents; this results into new requirements towards models for Web applications' user interfaces;
  • Automatic interpretation of content, one of the main building blocks of the Semantic Web, is based on interlinking local models with globally defined interpretation schemes like vocabularies and ontologies; this has to be reflected by the conceptual application domain models of Semantic Web Applications.
Conceptual Modeling for Web applications, thus, has to be revisited in the context of the new Web trends looking for adequate Semantic Web Application Models.

K2: Oh, That's What You Meant! The Interplay of Data Quality and Data Semantics

Stuart Madnick
Massachussetts Institute of Technology
Data quality issues have taken on increasing importance in recent years. In our research, we have discovered that many "data quality" problems are actually "data misinterpretation" problems -- that is, problems with data semantics. In this talk, we first illustrate some examples of these problems and then introduce a particular semantic problem that we call "corporate householding." We stress the importance of "context" to get the appropriate answer for each task. Then we propose an approach to handle these tasks using extensions to the COntext INterchange (COIN) technology for knowledge storage and knowledge processing.

K3: Enterprise Information Integration -- XML to the Rescue!

Michael J. Carey
BEA Systems
The database field has been struggling with the data integration problem since the early 1980's. We've named and renamed the problem -- heterogeneous distributed databases, multi-databases, federated databases, mediator systems, and now enterprise information integration systems -- but we haven't actually solved the problem. Along the way, we've tried data model after data model -- functional, relational, object-oriented, logical, semi-structured, you name it, we've tried it -- and query language after query language to go with them -- but we still haven't solved the problem. A number of startups have died trying, and no major software vendor has managed to hit a home run in this area. What's going on? Is the problem too hard? Should we just declare it impossible and give up?

In this talk, I'll explain why I believe now would be exactly the wrong time to give up. After a brief look at history, I'll make the case that we are finally on the verge of finding a real solution to this problem. I'll define the enterprise information integration problem as I see it and then explain how the XML and Web Services revolutions that are in progress -- based on SOAP, WSDL, XML Schema, XQuery, and so on -- relate to the problem and its solution. I'll describe the path that we are on at BEA to deliver a solution, and finally I'll leave the audience with my thoughts on some open problems where the database field, especially the "modeling crowd", can contribute.

IK: Workflow using AUML and Agents

James J. Odell
James Odell Associates
Workflow provides a way to standardize processes and processing. For those organizations that have predefined ways of performing activities, workflow is a useful approach. Currently most workflow systems, however, employ a centralized form of coordination. For small systems, such an approach is possible; for large systems, centralized control would quickly paralyze the organization. One way to enable scalability of workflow systems is by using a distributed mechanism such as agents. This presentation describes how to develop agent-based workflow systems using UML -- for analysis, design, and execution. In other words, it describes a model-driven approach (MDA) for distributed workflow.

Research Papers

R1: Systems and Data Integration

Statistical Analysis as Methodological Framework for Data(base) Integration
Evguenia Altareva and Stefan Conrad

QoM: Qualitative and Quantitative Schema Matching Measure
Naiyana Tansalarak and Kajal T. Claypool

The Uni-Level Description: A Uniform Framework for Representing Information in Multiple Data Models
Shawn Bowers and Lois Delcambre

R2: Workflows, Patterns, and Ontologies

Temporal Conceptual Modelling of Workflows
Carlo Combi, and Giuseppe Pozzi

Towards a logical model for patterns
S. Rizzi, E. Bertino, B. Catania, M. Golfarelli, M. Halkidi, M. Terrovitis, P. Vassiliadis, M. Vazirgiannis, and E. Vrachnos

Designing Foundational Ontologies. The Object-Centered High-level REference Ontology OCHRE as a Case Study
Luc Schneider

R3: Metamodeling and Methodology

An OPM-Based Metamodel of System Development Process
Dov Dori and Iris Reinhartz-Berger

An Unified Approach for the Software Policy Modeling: Incorporating the Implementation into a Modeling Methodology
Junho Shim, Seungjin Lee, and Chisu Wu

Deriving Use Cases from Business Process Models
Jan L.G. Dietz

R4: Views and XQuery Approaches

Order-sensitive View Maintenance of Materialized XQuery Views
Katica Dimitrova, Maged-El Sayed, and Elke A. Rundensteiner

Automatic Generation of XQuery View Definitions from ORA-SS views
Ya Bing Chen, Tok Wang Ling, and Mong Li Lee

Automaton Meets Query Algebra: Towards A Unified Model for XQuery Evaluation over XML Data Streams
Jinhui Jian, Hong Su, and Elke A. Rundensteiner

Querying Heterogeneous XML Sources through a Conceptual Schema
Sandro D. Camillo, Ronaldo S. Mello, and Carlos A. Heusr

R5: Web Application Modeling and Development

Analysis of Web Services Composition Languages: The Case of BPEL4WS
Petia Wohed, Wil M.P. van der Aalst, Marlon Dumas, and Arthur H.M. ter Hofstede

Extending conceptual models for web based applications
Phillipa Oaks, Arthur H.M. ter Hofstede, David Edmond, and Murray Spork

Development of Web Applications from Web Enhanced Conceptual Schemes
Joan Fons, Manoli Albert, Oscar Pastor, and Vicente Pelechano

Extending Hypertext Conceptual Models with Process-oriented Primitives
Marco Brambilla

R6: Requirements and Evolution

Requirement Engineering meets Security: A Case Study on Modelling Secure Electronic Transactions by VISA and Mastercard
Giorgini, Massacci, and Mylopoulos

Goal-based business modeling oriented towards late requirements generation
Hugo Estrada, Alicia Martínez, and Oscar Pastor

Strategy for database application evolution: the DB-MAIN approach
Jean-Marc Hick and Jean-Luc Hainaut

R7: Data Warehousing and OLAP

A UML Based Approach for Modeling ETL Processes in Data Warehouses
Juan Trujillo and Sergio Luján-Mora

A General Model for Online Analytical Processing of Complex Data
Jian Pei

An Interpolated Volume Model for Databases
Tianqiu Wang, Simone Santini, and Amarnath Gupta

R8: Conceptual Modeling Foundations

Integrity Constraints Definition in Object-Oriented Conceptual Modeling Languages
Antoni Olivé

Conceptual Treatment of Multivalued Dependencies
Bernhard Thalheim

Entity Types Derived by Symbol-Generating Rules
Jordi Cabot, Antoni Olivé, and Ernest Teniente

R9: Data Mining

DAISY, an RER Model Based Interface for RDB to ILP
Keiko Shimazu, Atsuhito Momma, Tetsushi Sakurai, and Koichi Furukawa

Context-based Data Mining using Ontologies
Sachin Singh, Pravin Vajirkar, and Yugyung Lee

Mining the Typical Preference of Collaborative User Group
Su-Jeong Ko and Jiawei Han

R10: Innovative Approaches to Conceptual Modeling

Conceptual Modeling of Concurrent Systems through Stepwise Abstraction and Refinement using Petri Net Morphisms
Boleslaw Mikolajczak and Zuyan Wang

Taxonomy-based Conceptual Modeling for Peer-to-Peer Networks
Yannis Tzitzikas, Carlo Meghini, and Nicolas Spyratos

EITH -- A unifying representation for database schema and application code in enterprise knowledge extraction
Mark S. Schmalz, Joachim Hammer, MingXi Wu, and Oguzhan Topsakal

R11: Queries

A Heuristic-based Methodology for Semantic Augmentation of User Queries on the Web
Veda C. Storey, Andrew Burton-Jones, Vijayan Sugumaran, and Sandeep Purao

An Approach for Using Query Ambiguity in Query Refinement
Nenad Stojanovic

A Declarative XML-RL Update Language
Mengchi Liu, Li Lu, and Guoren Wang

R12: Schema and Ontology Integration

Resolving Structural Conflicts in the Integration of XML Schemas: A Semantic Approach
Xia Yang, Mong Li Lee, and Tok Wang Ling

Operators and Classification for Data Mapping in Semantic Integration
Anca Dobre, Farshad Hakimpour, and Klaus R. Dittrich

Querying and Integrating Ontologies Viewed as Conceptual Schemas
Dimitri Theodoratos and Theodore Dalamagas

Conference Tutorials

T1: Understanding Metamodeling

Presented by
Brian Henderson-Sellers (University of Technology, Sydney, Australia)

Metamodelling underpins the UML both directly and in terms of the UML Profile Mechanism. This tutorial starts by explaining why metamodelling is important in the UML context and then evaluates the various aspects of metamodelling that are known to cause both practitioners and researchers the most problems. We explore the pros and cons of strict versus loose metamodelling, the notions of physical versus logical "instance-of" relationships and the various flavours of the "is-a" relationship (which include instantiation and generalization). These ideas are then applied to the UML context directly in an evaluation of the extension mechanisms of the UML, particularly stereotypes, and illustrated directly in terms of the metamodels currently underpinning not only the UML but also, as further examples, the OMG SPEM model for process metamodelling. This information will then permit developers of UML profiles to more successfully utilise the metamodelling aspects and know on which occasions it is better not to use metamodeling, in addition to providing end users with a greater capability to utilize the UML extension mechanisms.

T2: Data Analytics for Customer Relationship Management

Presented by
Jaideep Srivastava (University of Minnesota, USA)

Corporations across the world are recognizing that intimate, one-to-one relationships with their customers are critical for survival in the increasingly global and competitive marketplace. The ones which are proactive and quick footed, have taken the initiative to implement a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system that integrates every area of business that touches the customer -- namely marketing, sales, and customer service -- by coordinating people, internal processes and technology.

A traditional CRM system typically focuses on reengineering the transactions and workflows to make them customer centric, however to gain competitive advantage it is equally important to analyze the business data for locating patterns in customer behavior that would help in customer acquisition, retention, and building customer loyalty. This can be achieved by coupling Data Analytics with traditional CRM.

The tremendous leaps in storage and computational power have made Data Analytics emerge as a powerful business tool that unleashes the power in your data across the organization for better decision making. Data Analytics combines data warehousing, data mining and mathematical modeling concepts to decipher previously unknown, actionable information from business data. Because the basis of data analytics is data -- the facts about what has already happened in the organization -- data analytics enables the organization to leverage the experience to make better decisions today.

This tutorial provides an up-to-date introduction to the increasingly important field of "Analytical CRM", whose goal is provide a quantitative basis for making CRM decisions -- thus leading the transition from customer relationship as an art to a science.

Industrial Papers

I1: DAMA Industrial Session

Architecture Driven Data Models: Developing Comparate Data Models
Michael Brackett (President of The Data Management Association International)

A Comparison of Frameworks for Enterprise Architecture Modeling
Richard Martin and Edward Robertson

Bless the ODS
Michael Bryan and Ali. M. Tafreshi

I2: Industrial Session II

Modeling Reactive Behavior in ORM
Terry Halpin and Gerd Wagner

Developing Complex Systems with Object-Process Methodology Using OPCAT
Dov Dori, Iris Reinhartz-Berger, and Arnon Sturm

Formal Transformation of EER and EXPRESS-G Models
Z. M. Ma, Shiyong Lu, and Farshad Fotouhi

I3: Industrial Session III

AXIS: A XML Schema Integration System
Bipin Sakamuri, Sanjay Madria, K. Passi, Eric Chaudhry, Mukesh Mohania, and S. Bhowmick

Episode-based Conceptual Mining of Large Health Collections
Tatiana Semenova

Workshop on Conceptual Modeling Approaches for e-Business (eCOMO)

E1: Business Processes and Consumer Profiling

Managing Evolving Business Workflows through the Capture of Descriptive Information
Sebastien Gaspard (University of the West of England, UK), Florida Estrella (LLP/ESIA), Richard McClatchey (Universite de Savoie, France), and Regis Dindeleux (Thesame Mecatronique et Management, France)

The Benefits of Rapid Modelling for E-Business System Development
Juan C. Augusto Carla Ferreira, Andy M. Gravell, Michael A. Leuschel, and Karen M.Y. Ng (Department of Electronics and Computer Science University of Southampton, UK)

Prediction of Consumer Preference through Bayesian Classification and Generating Profile
Su-Jeong Ko (Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)

E2: Web Services and Virtual Enterprises

Developing Web Applications from Conceptual Models. A Web Services Approach
Vincente Pelechano, Joan Fons, Manoli Albert, Oscar Pastor (Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain)

A Framework For Business Rule Driven Web Service Composition
Bart Oriens, Jian Yang, Mike P. Papazoglou (Infolab, Tilburg University, Infolab, The Netherlands)

Virtual Integration of the Tile Industry (VITI)
Ricardo Chalmeta, Reyes Grangel, Angel Ortiz, Raul Poler (Grupo IRIS, Dpto. Lenguajes y Sistemas Informaticos, Universitat Jaume I, Centro de investigacion (CIGIP), Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain)

Workshop on Conceptual Modeling Quality (IWCMQ)

Q1: Quality in Software Modeling

Consistency by construction: the case of MERODE
Monique Snoeck, Cindy Michiels, and Guido Dedene (Katholieke Universteit Leuven, Belgium)

Defining Metrics for UML Statechart Diagrams in a Methodological Way
Marcela Genero, David Miranda, and Mario Piattini (University of Castilla - La Mancha, Spain)

Q2: Quality in Database Modeling

Visual SQL - High-Quality ER-Based Query Treatment
Hannu Jaakkola (Tampere University of Technology, Finland) and Bernhard Thalheim (Brandenburg University of Technology, Germany)

Multidimensional Schemas Quality: Assessing and Balancing Analyzability and Simplicity
Samira Si-Said Cherfi (CEDRIC-CNAM, France) and Nicolas Prat (ESSEC, France)

Conceptual Modeling of Accounting Information Systems: A Comparative Study of REA and ER Diagrams
Geert Poels (Ghent University, Belgium)

Q3: Quality in Web Application Modeling

On the Acceptability of Conceptual Design Models for Web Applications
Franca Garzotto and Vito Perrone (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)

Multiperspective evaluation of reference models -- towards a framework
Peter Fettke and Peter Loos (Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany)

Workshop on Agent-Oriented Information Systems (AOIS)

A1: Invited Talk


Agent UML (AUML): What is it and why do I care?
James Odell (James Odell Associates, USA)

A2: Information Systems

Bringing Multi-Agent Systems into human organizations: application to a Multi-Agent Information System
Emmanuel Adam and Rene Mandiau

Reconciling Physical, Communicative and Social/institutional Domains in Agent Oriented Information Systems - a Unified Framework
Maria Bergholtz, Prasad Jayaweera, Paul Johannesson, and Petia Wohed

An Agent-based Active X-Portal Framework
Aizhong Lin, Igor T. Hawryszkiewycz, and Brian Henderson-Sellers

A3: Modeling and Analysis

Agent-Oriented Modeling and Agent-Based Simulation
Gerd Wagner and Florin Tulba

REF: a Practical Agent-Based Requirement Engineering Framework
Paolo Bresciani and Paolo Donzelli

Patterns for Motivating an Agent-Based Approach
Michael Weiss

A4: Position Papers

Using Scenarios for Contextual Design in Agent-Oriented Information Systems
Kibum Kim, John M. Carroll, Mary B. Rosson

Dynamic Matchmaking Between Messages and Services in Multi-Agent Information Systems
Muhammed Al-Muhammed and David W. Embley

Final Discussion

Workshop on XML Schema and Data Management (XSDM)

X1: XML Change Management and Indexing

A Sufficient and Necessary Condition for the Consistency of XML DTDs
S. Lu et al (Wayne State University, USA)

Index Selection for Efficient XML Path Expression Processing
Z. Guao et al (Fudan University, China)

CX-DIFF: A Change Detection Algorithm for XML Content and Change Presentation Issues For WebVigiL
J. Jacob et al (University of Texas at Arlington, USA)

X2: Querying and Storing XML Data

Storing and Querying XML Documents Using a Path Table in Relational Databases
Byung-Joo Shin and Min Jin (Kyungnam University, Korea)

Improving Query Performance Using Materialized XML Views: A Learning-Based Approach
A. Shah et al (North Carolina State University, USA)

A Framework for the Concurrent Mark-up Language
A. Dakhtyar (University of Kentucky, USA)

Object Oriented XML Query By Example
K. Bohrer et al (IBM Research Lab, USA) (short paper)

X3: XML Transformation and Generation

Automatic Generation of XML from Relations: the Nested Relation Approach
A. Badia (University of Louisville, USA)

Towards the Automatic Derivation of XML Transformations
Martin Erwig (Oregon State University, USA)

VACXENE: A User-friendly Visual Synthetic XML Generator
Sourav Bhowmick et al (NTU, Singapore)

X4: XML Mapping and Extraction

A New Inlining Algorithm for Mapping XML DTDs to Relational Schemas
S. Lu et al (Wayne State University, USA)

From XML DTDs to Entity-Relationship
G. Psailla (Universitá degli Studi di Bergamo, Italy)

Extracting Relations from XML Documents
Eugene Agichtein (Columbia University, USA)

Extending XML Schema With Non-monotonic Inheritance
G. Wang et al (Carleton University, Canada) (short paper)


P1: Ontological Evaluation of System Modeling

Moderator: Dov Dori (Technion, Israel and MIT)

Brian Henderson-Sellers (University of Technology, Sydney, Australia)
Andreas L. Opdahl (University of Bergen, Norway)
Oscar Pastor (Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain)

P2: Conceptual Modeling of GIS

Moderator: Lois Delcambre (Oregon Health & Science University, USA)
John Sharrard (ESRI GIS and Mapping Software, USA)
Kenneth Dueker (Portland State University, USA)
Anthony Stefanidis (University of Maine, USA)

Forum on Ongoing Work (Posters and Demos)

PO1: Short Presentations

Session Chair: Heinrich Mayr (University of Klagenfurt, Austria)

BEE-SMART: A Natural Language Interface For Knowledge Retrieval and Service Execution over the Sematic Web
Kaustubh Supekar, Chintan Patel, Sachin Singh, Yugyung Lee (University of Missouri, USA)

Recent Results of the NLRE (Natural Language based Requirements Engineering) Project
Günther Fliedl, Christian Kop, Heinrich C. Mayr (University of Klagenfurt, Austria)

A mediation Framework for a transparent access to biological data sources . The MediaGRID project
Christine Collet (LSR-IMAG, St, Martin d.Hčres, France)

Predictive Database Schema Evolution
Hassina BOUNI (L'Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland)

A Semistructured Probabilistic DBMS for Storing and Managing Large Numbers of Probability Distributions Efficiently
Wenzhong Zhao, Jiangyu Li, Erik Jessup, Alex Dekhtyar and Judy Goldsmith (University of Kentucky, USA)

An Ontology-Based Approach for Database Evolution
Nadira Lammari (Laboratoire CEDRIC-CNAM, France) Jacky Akoka (Laboratoire CEDRIC-CNAM, France) Isabelle Comyn-Wattiau (Laboratoire CEDRIC-CNAM et ESSEC, France)

CSM: A Maintenance Tool for Data Warehouse Structures
Johann Eder and Christian Koncilia (University of Klagenfurt, Austria)

A Web Cooperative Application for Civil Engineering Project
Renaud Vanlande, Christophe Cruz (Active3D-Lab, Dijon, France) Christophe Nicolle (Laboratoire Le2i, Université de Bourgogn, Dijon, France)

Conceptual Modeling of Web-services Enabled Web Applications
Marco Brambilla, Stefano Ceri, Sara Comai, Marco Dario, Piero Fraternali, Ioana Manolescu (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)

OntoBuilder: Fully Automatic Extraction and Consolidation of Ontologies from Web Sources
Avigdor Gal (Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Israel) Giovanni Modica and Hasan Jamil (Mississippi State University, USA)

PO2: Marketplace -- Posters and Demos

Session Chair: Heinrich Mayr (University of Klagenfurt, Austria)

Browse through the poster displays and visit with authors about their work.